California school board formally opposes Biden admin’s Title IX gender push with resolution

A California public school board has voted in favor of a resolution opposing the Biden administration’s reinterpretation of Title IX, which redefines biological sex to include gender…

A California public school board has voted in favor of a resolution opposing the Biden administration’s reinterpretation of Title IX, which redefines biological sex to include gender identity.

Chino Valley Unified School District Board President Sonja Shaw, who introduced the resolution, argued at the June 6 board meeting the changes would undermine protections for women and girls by permitting biological males to enter female-designated spaces.

The resolution criticizes the Biden administration’s final Title IX rule because of “its attempt to supplant the definition of sex with ‘gender identity.’” 

It also holds that the rule threatens the “dignity, safety, and privacy of women and girls,” asserting that protected sex-separated spaces are vital for their safety, including the right to restrooms, locker rooms, and sleeping arrangements separated by sex. 

Many parents and community members expressed support for the resolution, with several wearing “Leave Our Kids Alone” apparel during the meeting.

“I’m a concerned parent here to show my support for this resolution,” said one participant during the public comments. “I want to thank you for putting forth this resolution and for your courage to stand up for girl sports.”

“I am grateful tonight that our board supports the original Title IX that acknowledges the differences in gender and was written to protect our girls, our daughters, our granddaughters, our sisters, our nieces,” another parent added. “Leave our girls’ locker rooms and sports scholarships alone.”

“There is no discrimination in wanting to have our daughters succeed and to do so against their equal peers and same sex.” 

However, some critics opposed the resolution. 

“The fear that you have of these people, that they’re going to take over [women’s] sports – it hasn’t happened and never will,” Paul Griffin argued. “When it does, then address it.” 

But a local mother of three, identified as Crystal, countered Griffin’s claim.  

“It is happening all over,” she said. “Men are taking over women’s sports, so for people to say that it’s not, they need to do a little more research.”  

Board members then shared their perspectives on the resolution.  

“This is really embarrassing to talk about this resolution,” Board member James Na said in support. “This should not [have to] be a resolution… 

“We have been teaching our children K-12 biology and basic science for 12 years, and unfortunately, some adults have forgotten their basic science curriculum. They have totally forgotten what the makeup of man and woman is.” 

Donald Bridge, another board member, dismissed the resolution as “all show and no dough.” 

In her closing remarks, Shaw emphasized the original intent of Title IX.  

“Title IX is a federal civil rights law passed in 1972,” she said, before addressing Bridge. “As a history teacher, Mr. Bridge, you should know why Title IX was passed. It wasn’t to protect any gender identity issue; it was to protect women, biological women. 

“You have daughters; you were a softball coach. How embarrassing that you’re waiting for something to happen before you do the right thing. To say it’s not happening here is absolutely horrific because I want to tell you it does happen here – that boys go into the girls’ locker room. 

“You’re a father; you have grandkids; when is enough? Vote with your heart, not with your party.” 

Shaw then encouraged female athletes to take a stand. 

“Girls, I empower you to walk away,” Shaw said. “Walk away because when we stop, it stops. We need to tell our daughters that when they get on a field and a boy’s there, or they get to go race and a boy’s there, if they get on that mark to jump into that pool and a boy’s there, you empower those girls to walk away. 

“Title IX was meant for their rights, nothing else.”  

The resolution passed 4-1, with Shaw, Na, Andrew Cruz and Jonathan Monroe voting yes, and Bridge voting no.