Emails show Seattle Public Schools offer hormone therapy, surgeries to minors  

A healthcare organization operating within Seattle Public Schools is providing “gender-affirming” hormones to children.  

Emails obtained by The Daily Wire revealed Neighborcare…

A healthcare organization operating within Seattle Public Schools is providing “gender-affirming” hormones to children.  

Emails obtained by The Daily Wire revealed Neighborcare Health, which runs clinics in SPS middle and elementary schools, has been offering hormone treatments since January 2023. 

“The Neighborcare Health team wanted to share an exciting new update to our School-based Health Center services,” a Neighborcare program manager wrote in an email. “Our program will begin offering comprehensive, evidence-based, gender-affirming care services to our students and families who need them.” 

Previously, the clinic’s gender-affirming services included supportive student counseling, promotion of social identity, and health education. But the new initiative will now provide access to medical interventions, including hormone treatments. 

The email states these services will be piloted in existing schools, and require parental or legal guardian approval. 

When questioned by The Daily Wire, Neighborcare defended offering hormone therapy to children, calling it a form of “life-saving care.”  

“Gender-affirming care in its many forms represents life-saving care for many of the youth and their families who choose it,” said spokesperson Mary Schilder.  

“Neighborcare Health offers care for transgender and non-binary students that align with best practices defined by regional and national pediatric care authorities and is aimed at meeting needs expressed by the students and families we serve.” 

However, some members of Parents Defending Education (PDE) disagree.  

“It’s bad enough that medical professionals are prescribing cross-sex hormones and cutting off breasts and genitals of minors,” Erika Sanzi, director of outreach for PDE, said, according to KOMO News. “It is a whole new level of awful, and terrifying for schools to be involved.” 

“Schools aren’t parents, and they aren’t doctor offices,” added Alex Nester, an investigative fellow for PDE. “The combination of the district’s parental exclusion policies, and its provision of dubious medical interventions to change a child’s sex, creates a really troubling situation for Seattle families.” 

The Nova Wellness Center and the Meany Health Center – both operated by the Seattle-based nonprofit Country Doctor Community Health Centers (CDCHC) – offer gender-affirming care to middle and high school students in SPS.  

CDCHC’s services include hormone therapy, gender transition medications, and referrals for gender transition surgeries.