Portland teachers’ union backs off anti-Israel advocacy amid backlash

The Portland Association of Teachers (PAT) has removed several controversial documents promoting anti-Israel views from its website in response to community pushback.

One document the Portland,…

The Portland Association of Teachers (PAT) has removed several controversial documents promoting anti-Israel views from its website in response to community pushback.

One document the Portland, Oregon union removed, titled “Educators for Palestine Resources,” contained links to various source materials for use in the classroom. The color-coded document assigns resources colors based on whether or not they include pro-Israel perspectives: green, meaning “good for educators to use and adapt,” and purple, which warns content has perspectives from “both sides.”

A second resource removed by the union, a booklet titled “Know Your Rights! Teaching & Organizing for Palestine within Portland Public Schools,” was published in May by the Oregon Educators for Palestine and PAT.

The booklet contains information for teachers looking to display anti-Israel views in their work environment. In one section, the resource claims teachers are being “censored and harassed” by unsupportive administrations, with some teachers being disciplined for advertising for Hamas by wearing shirts reading “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free.”

The booklet goes on to encourage teachers to display the Palestinian flag, advising, “Like the BLM or LGBTQIA+ flags, displaying the Palestinian flag proudly affirms the existence of Palestinian people and their right to live and thrive with dignity and freedom.” 

Following weeks of controversy from union members and community advocates alike, PAT stated in a member email that it had pulled the resources from circulation. 

“Our Executive Board (E-Board) has heard member concerns about democratic processes and systems in our union,” the letter read, adding that “updated” resources would be posted at a later date. 

PAT has come under fire on multiple occasions this year for its brazen opposition to Israel. Last week, Jesse Cornett, a candidate for Portland City Council who had been endorsed by PAT, called on the union to stop using the phrase “From the River to the Sea” due to its antisemitic connotations.  

Members of the Portland Public Schools Board have spoken out in agreement, citing instances of PAT distributing paraphernalia displaying the phrase to teachers.  

“From my perspective, it is not appropriate for PAT to distribute these shirts to wear in our schools,” said Julia Brim-Edwards, a school board member. “It is a statement that is interpreted by many to call for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people. They create an unwelcoming and unsafe environment for many of our staff, students and families.” 

“The Anti-Defamation League notes that this is an antisemitic slogan,” stated Andrew Scott, another school board member. “Regardless of PAT’s intent, it’s shocking to me that they seem to care so little about the harmful impact their words and actions are having on our community.”