John Ransom

John Ransom is a Lion contributor and a national political writer and editor whose work has appeared in The Epoch Times, at, Newsmax, the Daily Caller and IBT.

Attorneys general in 20 states denounce FBI anti-Catholic memo

The top legal officials from 20 states signed a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland denouncing a recent FBI memo that sought to tie Catholics to white supremacists. Read More

February 14, 2023
Ban on gender reassignment for minors makes progress in Tennessee

A proposed ban on puberty blockers and other treatments for minors who suffer from gender confusion is making its way through a state legislative committee in Tennessee. The… Read More

February 13, 2023
Public Education
Racially-targeted Asian mom, engineer, sacked from Virginia’s BOE as ‘not qualified’ by liberal lawmakers

Virginia Democrats voted along party lines to oust a parent who was appointed to the Virginia Board of Education (BOE), claiming she wasn’t qualified. “They voted to remove… Read More

February 9, 2023
Nebraska school choice proposal gets hearing, support of governor

A school choice bill in Nebraska is back up for consideration, this time with support from the governor. “We can’t let one kid fall through the cracks and… Read More

February 8, 2023
Tennessee turns table on feds, may reject federal education money

Tennessee, once among the most dependent states on federal dollars, may reject future federal help in education to clip the “strings attached.” House Speaker Cameron… Read More

February 8, 2023