Joy Stockbauer

Joy Stockbauer is a freelance writer and policy analyst. She graduated from Grove City College with a B.A. in Political Science and Spanish.

Public Education
Striking Massachusetts teachers criticized for ‘pub crawl’ amid contract negotiations

As Massachusetts teachers with the Newton Teacher Association (NTA) prepare to sign newly negotiated contracts after an illegal strike, some locals are criticizing the teachers for planning a “pub crawl”… Read More

February 5, 2024
Public Education
FBI: Schools were third most common location for hate crimes in 2018-2022

A new report from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shows that schools, colleges, and universities have become the third most common location for hate crimes… Read More

February 2, 2024
Public Education
Oklahoma’s new education secretary is a school choice champion

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt has appointed Nellie Tayloe Sanders, an advocate for special education and school choice, to serve as the state’s new Secretary of Education. Though not herself an… Read More

January 31, 2024
Bills in three states would bring fetal development video to public schools

Pro-life lawmakers in at least three states have proposed legislation that would require public schools to incorporate a video on fetal development into the standard health curriculum. Kentucky Rep. Nancy… Read More

January 29, 2024
Public Education
States scramble to publish ‘human-centered’ artificial intelligence guidelines for schools

A growing number of states are producing guidelines for the usage of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in their public school systems. Arizona State University’s research entity, The Center on Reinventing… Read More

January 25, 2024