Liam Siegler

Liam Siegler is a freelance writer and former ambassador at the Herzog Foundation. His work has appeared in National Review, The Federalist and The College Fix.

Public Education
New AI guidance for developers in educational technology released by Department of Ed

The Department of Education’s (DOE) Office of Educational Technology has released new guidance for tech-developers integrating artificial intelligence into their educational products. The agency cites a… Read More

July 18, 2024
Missouri pro-abortion group pushing ‘extreme’ constitutional amendment turns in signatures, awaits verification

An amendment to enshrine ‘abortion rights’ into the Missouri Constitution could appear on the ballot if enough signatures gathered by the pro-abortion activists are verified. Proposed constitutional amendments require signatures… Read More

May 7, 2024
Maine ‘abortion rights’ amendment proposal fails to get on ballot

Efforts to enshrine a pro-abortion amendment into Maine’s state constitution failed Monday after Senate Republicans unanimously voted against the proposal, ensuring it didn’t get the supermajority required to pass. Read More

April 2, 2024
Public Education
Oklahoma establishes new ‘Office of School Choice’

The Oklahoma Department of Education is establishing a new “Office of School Choice,” State Superintendent Ryan Walters announced at a Board of Education meeting. The goal,… Read More

April 2, 2024
Building a ‘civilization of love’: Live Action hosts inaugural summit for young pro-life leaders

Live Action, a non-profit dedicated to opposing abortion, hosted its first Young Leaders Summit March 16 in Irvine, California. The day-long event… Read More

March 25, 2024