Michael Ryan

Michael Ryan is Executive Editor of The Lion. A Kansas City native, he’s been an award-winning reporter, editor and opinion writer at newspapers in Kansas, Missouri, Georgia and Texas.

Christian Schools
Teacher of the Year Josh Ernst: God is in all things, including science

Maybe it’s his own considerable struggle in his youth that makes science teacher Josh Ernst such a magnet for students in crisis.  While teaching at several universities,… Read More

September 22, 2022
Christian Schools
Teacher of the Year Greg Finch: Christian education may be the last best hope for America, Western civilization

Many of us hear a divine calling in our prayers. Greg Finch actually heard his with his ears.  After finding his passion for history in college, and… Read More

September 20, 2022
Money, messaging and deceit led to failure of Kansas abortion regulation amendment. What has the pro-life side learned?

Like many around the nation, Tracey, a former Kansan, watched the state’s Aug. 2 abortion vote with great interest. Although living on the Missouri side of the state… Read More

August 31, 2022
Public Education
Parents against sweeping new K-12 sex ed curricula met with hate, physical assault – and a claim that toddlers should pleasure each other sexually

Parents opposed to an aggressive new sex education curriculum in Wisconsin suffered assaults on both their persons and their sensibilities from a hostile crowd supporting the change. “Pure hatred. Pure,… Read More

August 24, 2022
Public Education
‘Pedophilia took a win’ in Wisconsin school board approval Monday of gender-bending sex ed lessons as young as kindergarten, activist says

A Wisconsin school board Monday approved a sex education curriculum that expects kindergartners to begin exploring gender issues and to know such terms as penis, vulva… Read More

August 23, 2022