Michael Ryan

Michael Ryan is Executive Editor of The Lion. A Kansas City native, he’s been an award-winning reporter, editor and opinion writer at newspapers in Kansas, Missouri, Georgia and Texas.

Culture, Public Education
Students as young as kindergarten can identify as transgender and be taught about it, says suburban Kansas City school official

Tyrone Bates, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion coordinator at Shawnee Mission School District (pictured right) | via Twitter. The youngest public school children should be taught… Read More

April 6, 2022
Parents upset with Disney’s leftward lurch have a wholesome alternative in Missouri’s Silver Dollar City amusement park

With Disney’s odd opposition to parental rights in Florida – and a company executive’s pledge to include “many, many” characters of various sexual… Read More

April 5, 2022
Parental rights bill signed by Florida governor, while conservatives at Disney note a climate of political fear

Gov. Ron DeSantis Monday signed Florida’s historic parental-rights bill protecting kids in grades K-3 from sexual and gender instruction in schools. The bill has inspired mania… Read More

March 28, 2022
Public Education
Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt has to sue to obtain public records. What chance do ordinary citizens have?

The attorney general of the Show-Me State can’t get the Missouri School Boards’ Association to show him open records. That’s the assertion in a lawsuit filed by Missouri Attorney General… Read More

March 18, 2022
Opponents of school choice in Georgia Senate exercise it in their own families

Georgia lawmaker Jodi Lott has a quick and easy answer for why she supports school choice. “Because it already exists,” the Republican state representative told The… Read More

March 10, 2022