Bill Maher rebukes Democrats for losing election over anti-science trans ideology

Liberal comedian Bill Maher declared TV astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson to be “part of the problem” when it comes to Democrats’ huge losses in the 2024 election – an outcome Maher…

Liberal comedian Bill Maher declared TV astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson to be “part of the problem” when it comes to Democrats’ huge losses in the 2024 election – an outcome Maher attributes to the party’s embrace of the trans agenda.

The two men sparred during Friday’s episode of Real Time over the recent firestorm ignited by former anti-Trump editor-in-chief of Scientific American Laura Helmuth, who said she “decided to leave” her post at America’s oldest magazine following Trump’s landslide victory and her subsequent rant against his supporters, referring to them on election night as “f**king fascists.”

Video courtesy of The Rubin Report begins at 5:01:

“I’ve decided to leave Scientific American after an exciting 4.5 years as editor in chief,” Helmuth posted on Nov. 14 to her Bluesky account – a left-leaning social media platform. “I’m going to take some time to think about what comes next (and go birdwatching).” 

The New York Post captured screen shots of Helmuth’s posts on election night in which she vilified Trump supporters. 

Screenshot (New York Post)

“Every four years I remember why I left Indiana … and remember why I respect the people who stayed and are trying to make it less racist and sexist,” Helmuth wrote. 

“Solidarity to everybody whose meanest, dumbest, most bigoted high-school classmates are celebrating early results because [f**k] them to the moon and back,” she continued. 

“I apologize to younger voters that my Gen X is so full of [f**king] fascists,” Helmuth added. 

As the Daily Mail reported, Helmuth had posted in July that she was eager to hear about “whoever Kamala Harris’s VP pick is to kick JD Vance’s bigoted, misogynistic, white supremacist carcass to the [f**king] MOON.” 

“There had been a mounting public campaign demanding she be fired for the inflammatory remarks,” the report observed. 

Maher took note of Helmuth’s tirade as well. 

“It sure didn’t sound scientific,” the Real Time host told Tyson. “It didn’t sound like the person I would want to be running Scientific American … It’s really ugly. You know, ‘I apologize to younger voters that my Gen-X is so full of f***ing fascists.’” 

Maher then highlighted how, under Helmuth, a Scientific American piece published Nov. 1, 2023 and headlined “The Theory That Men Evolved to Hunt and Women Evolved to Gather Is Wrong,” promoted the idea that the acceptance of males playing in women’s sports is based on science. 

“I’m not for canceling people on either side, but here’s what I think is the scandal,” Maher told Tyson. “This is in Scientific American less than a year ago: ‘Inequity between male and female athletes as a result, not of inherent biological differences between the sexes, but of biases in how they are treated in sports.’ 

That’s nuts. And it sure ain’t scientific. And it’s in Scientific American. And that’s why the Democrats lost the election. It’s true.” 

Maher’s comments, however, met with evasive laughter from Tyson. 

“Bill, every 20 minutes on your platform, you come up with another reason why the Democrats lost,” he countered. “You already have the answer. They lost the election.” 

The host, however, was not accepting of Tyson’s dismissal of his assessment of Scientific American’s viewpoint. 

“[E]ngage with the idea here,” Maher demanded. “What I’m asking is, Scientific American is saying basically that the reason why … a WNBA team can’t beat the Lakers is because of societal bias.” 

Tyson evaded Maher once again. 

“Why can’t you just say this is not scientific and Scientific American should do better,” Maher pressed. “I think a year ago, women still couldn’t beat men in basketball or any other sport and it wasn’t because of society. You don’t see a problem here?” 

The astrophysicist then attempted to suggest that women may have a biological advantage in long distance swimming. 

“Well, I’m going to file you under ‘part of the problem,’” Maher responded.