Christian schools celebrate School Choice Week, promote quality options in education
This week, educators and advocates around the country are celebrating National School Choice Week, the “world’s largest celebration of opportunity in education.”
Christian schools are joining…
This week, educators and advocates around the country are celebrating National School Choice Week, the “world’s largest celebration of opportunity in education.”
Christian schools are joining in the celebration, after an historic year of strides in educational choice around the country. More than 25 states now have legislation providing some level of educational choice for families. A survey by the nonprofit, nonpartisan National School Choice Week organization found that half of U.S. parents (52 percent) said they considered finding a new or different school within the past year, or are currently considering it.
In Missouri, Christian school leaders participated in the “Rejoice in Choice” rally at the State Capitol in Jefferson City.
Christina Hardy, who attended from College Heights Christian School in Joplin, said the day was important because Christian school participants were able to advocate for school choice options and thank legislators for passing the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship. The Empowerment Scholarship program is a tax credit education savings account that allows eligible parents to receive a portion of state funding to pay tuition at a school of their choosing.
Palmyra Christian Academy, in its first year of operations, involved its students in marking National School Choice Week in a very personal way, launching a full week of “Spirit Days” to celebrate.
Amanda Crumrine, PCA Administrator, says that the school actively promotes school choice because it believes having a variety of educational options is important for families.
“As a mother of 3 children, I know that each child is uniquely different. What works for one child won’t work for another,” Crumrine told The Lion.
“As Christian educators, we do ourselves a disservice if we don’t advocate for a variety of educational choices. God calls us as parents to make the best choice for our kids, and for the personalities of our children. Whether God leads us to homeschooling, Christian school, charter school, or public school, we should listen to that call. Schools should be on the same team – to find the best education and environment for children.”
PCA students celebrated with Hat Day, Crazy Sock Day, Career Day, Pajama Day and Western Day.
“The students are also illustrating pictures highlighting what they love about their school,” said Crumrine. “The kids are here because their parents think it’s the best choice for them. And that’s important to reinforce.”