God Hears You | Morning Routine Daily Devotional for February 5
During those many days the king of Egypt died, and the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and cried…

During those many days the king of Egypt died, and the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and cried out for help. Their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. God saw the people of Israel—and God knew. — Exodus 2:23-25 ESV
The book of Exodus records the history of Israel’s liberation from Egypt. The nation once was able to live in freedom in Egypt but, as they grew in number, they were increasingly seen as a threat needing mitigation. And so they were oppressed and subdued into slavery.
In today’s passage, Israel expresses its heartache to God. Their slavery made daily life grueling—They ‘groaned because of their slavery,’ Scripture records. And they cry out to the Lord for our help. And Exodus reports: “Their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God. And God heard their groaning.” They cried out, and God heard. And not only that. It says, “God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.” God remembered the promise he had made. For God, to remember a promise is to keep a promise! And of course, you know the rest of the story: He delivers His people from slavery and ultimately into the Promise Land.
The God of the Old Testament is the same God we serve today—He is the all-knowing, all-hearing God. He hears your prayers, too, and will act according to His promises. What is burdening your heart today? Cry out to the Lord and make your requests known to Him. Call to mind His promises, and pray accordingly. Make prayer a priority. Praise Him, he really does hear our prayers!