Homeschool father, conservative leader shares concerns over public schools: ‘Calcified in opposition to God’
Abraham Hamilton III and his wife chose to homeschool their six children after researching the history of U.S. public education.
“We did not just arrive where we are accidentally,” Hamilton said…
Abraham Hamilton III and his wife chose to homeschool their six children after researching the history of U.S. public education.
“We did not just arrive where we are accidentally,” Hamilton said in a recent interview with Fox News. “It has been the product of an intentional plan using the school system, by and large as a primary mechanism to accomplish it.”
Hamilton is general counsel and public policy analyst for the American Family Association. Recent school conflicts involving critical race theory, gender ideologies, and hostility to Christian beliefs don’t take him by surprise.
Instead, public schools have always operated to disciple children into what he calls the church of secular humanism, he argues in a “Lighthouse Faith” podcast episode.
“The system itself has been calcified in opposition to God,” he said.
‘Systematically denies the knowledge of God’
Major leaders of the public school system included humanists John Dewey and Horace Mann, who has been described as the “father of American education.”
Through their efforts, education became centralized within government instead of operating locally within towns and cities, recognized as an extension of parental rights over their children.
As far back as 1840, a Massachusetts legislative committee warned of “disastrous” results from a central education system: “Farewell to the usefulness of common schools, the just pride, honor, and ornament of New England; farewell to religious liberty, for there would be but one church [the government]; farewell to political freedom, for nothing but the name of a republic would survive such a catastrophe.”
Hamilton reached the same conclusion, saying in a Fox News video public schools haven’t actually failed in their mission but are accomplishing exactly what they set out to do.
“What kind of system of instruction can you have, calling it education, but intentionally and systematically denies the knowledge of God?” he asked.
Many children today don’t realize how faith and science intertwined for great minds of the 17th century where society generally accepted biblical principles as foundational for life.
“Isaac Newton was a passionate Christian,” Hamilton said. “He could be rightly described as a theologian who dabbled in science.”
By removing the knowledge of God from public education, the system is denying children the opportunity to experience the world in its entirety, Hamilton said.
“Mathematics is an opportunity to peer into the mind of God,” he said. “The discipline of mathematics only exists because we have a creator who is immutable. He doesn’t change, and he has established a fixed universe that creates an environment for us to be able to have the disciplines of science, the discipline of mathematics.”