In the Beginning, God | Morning Routine Daily Devotional for January 30
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. — Genesis 1:1 ESV
Genesis is the book of beginnings. It…

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. — Genesis 1:1 ESV
Genesis is the book of beginnings. It details the beginning of creation and the beginning of God’s people. The rest of the storyline of Scripture assumes and flows from it.
The first verse in the bible is short, containing a mere seven words in the original Hebrew language. Its significance for what it says about God, however, is extraordinarily large. It indicates that there is one God, not many. It assumes that God stands at the beginning of everything—the beginning of the cosmos, the beginning of life. “In the beginning, God.” He is the uncreated Creator: “In the beginning God created.” We owe our allegiance to Him, our Maker. He has ultimate authority, ultimate power. And as we read the rest of Genesis 1—and the rest of Scripture—we understand that God is good, His creation is very good, and we are created for a purpose. God has a plan. Praise be to the God of all creation!
If you have been a Christian for more than two seconds, these truths about God and His relation to us might feel like an old hat, but never take them for granted. Think anew about God, His authority, and your place in His plan. The Creator of All Thing—He loves you. He is intimately acquainted with your life, your strengths, your weaknesses. And you are part of His Story—the story He is writing of redemption. So, as you embark on a new day, walk in obedience to God, walk in the confidence that you are fulfilling the plan of God, the God of all Creation. And never forget, no matter what you see with the naked eye… Christ is still on the throne. All is well!