Iowa school district in hot water after elementary teacher’s joke about forcing kids to be gay lands flat with parents

An Iowa elementary teacher is facing backlash after joking on social media about indoctrinating children in her classroom.

“Every day is another opportunity to force kids in public schools to…

An Iowa elementary teacher is facing backlash after joking on social media about indoctrinating children in her classroom.

“Every day is another opportunity to force kids in public schools to be gay,” Hannah Hoxie wrote in a caption over a selfie, in which the teacher is a wearing a pride-themed school shirt in what appears to be a classroom.

“This was a poor attempt at humor and sarcasm,” District Superintendent Ian Roberts said, according to the Des Moines Register. “And as we know, attempts at humor and sarcasm, especially online, can be easily misunderstood. The employee was wrong to make this post, has realized it was a mistake and has removed it.

“This shouldn’t need to be said, but perhaps it must: Our schools and teachers are focused on providing a quality education to our students, which does not include encouraging or forcing any student to identify with any specific sexual orientation.”

The offending social media post generated backlash from many residents and even lawmakers. 

“This is beyond despicable,” Brian Frye wrote to district officials. “Residents in the district and fellow Iowans demand accountability for this sick ideology. I expect an immediate investigation and accountability for our kids! No teacher should ever push this ideology on a 5th-grade child! Disgusting!”

U.S. Representative Zach Nunn, a Republican representing Iowa’s 3rd district, called the teacher’s actions “reprehensible.”  

“Regardless of politics, this is reprehensible behavior from someone responsible for educating the next generation of Americans,” Nunn said, according to The Iowa Standard. “Parents should be able to trust that when they send their children to school, they’re being educated, not indoctrinated.”

As for consequences, Roberts says the district’s personnel office will be working with Hoxie, though one unsubstantiated report suggests the teacher has been placed on leave.

Meanwhile, the district has had to increase security measures as the story has generated widespread anger, a spokesperson for the district said.