Kirk Cameron is modern-day Mister Rogers in new faith-based children’s show
Famous Christian actor Kirk Cameron is launching a new TV show for kids that offers wholesome content parents can trust.
Cameron explained that the purpose of his new children’s program –…

Famous Christian actor Kirk Cameron is launching a new TV show for kids that offers wholesome content parents can trust.
Cameron explained that the purpose of his new children’s program – “Adventures with Iggy and Mr. Kirk” – is about sharing Christian values with the next generation.
“We want this show to be our generation’s version of ‘Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,’” he told Chris and Christine Stigall, cohosts of the Making the Leap podcast. “We think that now more than ever kids need this, families need this, America needs this – values that parents can trust.”
Cameron has already made waves as an author with Brave Books, touring his books about positivity and virtue at public libraries.
“It’s crazy to think that wanting to read a children’s book about faith, hope, and love in a public library would bring contempt and that drag queens reading to children would be more acceptable in some communities,” Cameron said. “This just highlights the need we have to get back on our game and understand that we have one shot at raising our children.”
“Adventures with Iggy and Mr. Kirk” will highlight timeless Christian and American principles while addressing current issues in age-appropriate ways.
“[We’ll discuss] things like gender reality from God’s perspective, things like the sacredness of life, all life – life in the womb, disabled life, elderly life – all life is precious and sacred,” Cameron said. “Kids will fall in love with the characters, and they will be really blessed by the values, not confused and twisted.”
While Cameron hopes families tune in to his new show, he doesn’t want parents “outsourcing” their jobs to television – even to him.
“When moms and dads understand the sacred role of parenthood, that you are molding and shaping the hearts and minds of the next generation of human beings that will be running the place when we’re gone, that’s not something to outsource to other people,” he explained. “That’s not something to hand over to a church or hand over to a government to do for you when God has entrusted your children to moms and dads.
“Don’t sit your children in front of a television show and let the television show raise your children for you. This is simply a tool that we want to give you to help you do your job of being the primary teachers in your children’s lives. And if ever this tool grows dull or it gets bent, replace it with something better. My goal is to keep it sharp.”
For Cameron, his new show is just as much a form of Christian ministry as it is entertainment.
“The real joy and the real treasure for me now is not to try to climb some career ladder or build a bigger bank account or win an award for some Hollywood television show, but rather to invest into the hearts and minds of the next generation,” he concluded.
“At the end of the day, I want to see the goodness of the kingdom of heaven expand and grow so that God is honored, and our future generations are blessed.”
The Making the Leap podcast is produced by The Herzog Foundation, which also publishes The Lion.