Major healthcare provider’s required training video promotes ‘gender-affirming care’ for children, claims kids as young as 3 can be transgender

A required training video for Kaiser Permanente promotes “gender-affirming care” for minors, claiming children as young as age 3 can be transgender. 

The video was obtained by Libs of…

A required training video for Kaiser Permanente promotes “gender-affirming care” for minors, claiming children as young as age 3 can be transgender. 

The video was obtained by Libs of TikTok (LoTT) from an employee of KP who was “horrified” the hospital system would promote permanent, life-altering and mutilating surgeries for children. The employee, LoTT reports, wishes to remain anonymous over fears of losing her job. 

The video’s learning objectives include the ability to “explain the importance of gender-affirming care to KP employees, staff and patients,” and “describe and use the appropriate terms that allow for understanding and delivering gender affirming care.” 

The video is reportedly part of KP’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training program, and teaches that “many transgender people have always known their true gender,” Fox News reports. It then introduces KP staff to several transgender individuals who seem to support this claim. 

“My name is Rose. I’m a transgender girl,” one child says in the video. “I was born a boy, but I always knew that I was a girl.” As justification for the child’s gender transition, Rose’s father says his child once wrote letters to Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy in which he asked to become a girl. 

“When I was 3, I decided that I was going to be a father and marry Janet Jackson,” says another individual who identifies as a transgender man. 

In another segment, a mother claims her son knew he was a “girl in her heart and brain” by age 4. 

In trying to justify the training, KP claims it did not promote any specific treatment plans for transgender children, and denies its hospitals provide gender-affirming surgeries or hormones for young children. 

“While the video includes two children speaking about how they view their gender identity, the video does not speak to any adolescent transgender care or treatment plans,” KP said in a statement to Fox News. “Kaiser Permanente does not provide hormone treatments or gender-affirming surgery to three and four-year-olds.” 

While KP publicly denied it provides the questionable treatments to 3-or 4-year-olds, LoTT reports its website tells a different story. 

On one page, the KP site offers a chart titled “Providing Culturally Responsive Care to Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Members.” In the chart, KP claims gender is “assigned” at birth and that transitioning may “improve congruence between [a person’s] outward appearance and their gender identity.” 

Another page with the header “Pediatric Gender Care Services” details the treatments KP provides to “children and teens,” including “hormone therapy” and “surgical evaluations and procedures.” The page also specifies KP offers “hormone therapy” through its “Multidisciplinary Pediatric Gender Clinic” in San Francisco. 

And, as reported by LoTT in June, KP apparently does offer sex change surgeries to minors, with minimal prerequisites.  

In fact, Chloe Cole, an outspoken detransitioner and critic of “gender-affirming care,” claims KP performed a gender-transition double mastectomy on her at age 15. Cole is now suing KP for its treatment of her gender dysphoria, a mental health condition, with permanent, disfiguring surgeries she says have had long-lasting, irreversible effects from which she is still suffering.  

“There is no other area of medicine where doctors will surgically remove a perfectly healthy body part and intentionally induce a disease state of pituitary gland function based simply on the patient’s wishes,” her attorneys note in the lawsuit. 

Cole says she first started questioning her gender at age 12. By age 13, doctors had placed her on puberty blockers, and by age 15 she had a double mastectomy. The treatment, she says, was too fast and none of the care providers stopped to question her ability to truly consent to the treatment or its long-term effects. 

“I wasn’t really allowed any time to just be and to just be observed alone without intervention,” she told Fox News in February. “I mean, it was only about half a year between being diagnosed with gender dysphoria and actually being medicated. So, the process for me was very expedited and there weren’t really any pushback from any medical professionals.” 

Additionally, Cole has joined forces with Do No Harm, an organization fighting to “protect minors from gender ideology” and restore doctors’ dedication to their Hippocratic oath.  

“It’s not loving to lie to a child. It is not loving to disrupt a child’s natural, healthy development, or to encourage them to do so,” she said. 

“I have been emotionally and physically damaged and stunted by so-called medical professionals in my most important developmental period. I was butchered by an institution that we trust more than anything else in our lives.” 

“The movement to promote ‘gender-affirming care’ is profoundly dangerous and driven by ideology rather than scientific evidence,” says Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, chairman of Do No Harm. 

“At their core, medical professionals who support [gender transitions for minors] … are violating the Hippocratic oath directive to ‘do no harm’ by ignoring key consequences of this type of ‘care,’ including the fact that underlying mental health concerns are usually not addressed.”