Missouri teacher fired for attacking student in the bathroom

A video taken inside a school bathroom reportedly shows a teacher hitting and then body-slamming a student to the ground.

On Tuesday, the Raytown School District near Kansas City, Missouri…

A video taken inside a school bathroom reportedly shows a teacher hitting and then body-slamming a student to the ground.

On Tuesday, the Raytown School District near Kansas City, Missouri confirmed the altercation between the student and staff member in a letter to families and parents within the district.

“A staff member allegedly engaged in a confrontation with a student that was witnessed by other students and recorded,” the district wrote, according to local Fox 4.

The incident reportedly occurred in the bathroom after the female teacher instructed a group of girls to leave. When some of them refused, the teacher took a picture of them.

A student then allegedly knocked the teacher’s phone out of her hand, before the teacher tackled the student to the ground.

After an investigation, the Superintendent of Raytown Schools, Dr. Penelope Martin-Knox, released a statement confirming the teacher was no longer employed by the district.

“The incident that transpired today at one of our high schools is not in alignment with our values and practices for our students and staff,” Martin-Knox said, according to Fox 4. “Our environments are established to be safe and orderly for students and staff alike and situations such as this will not be tolerated.

“When matters like this arise, we take swift and appropriate action to bring resolution for all involved. As a result of this matter, the employee has been dismissed from the Raytown School District.”

While the video has not been released to the public, a parent in the district described it as “extreme.”

“Clotheslining, choke holding a student, that is kind of extreme… I’d be concerned, I’d be angry, I’d have questions,” John Solomon, a parent in the district, said told Fox 4. “Someone getting fired is not enough.”

According to Fox 4, the teacher is now under criminal investigation.