Ohio governor signs parents’ rights bill

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has signed a bill affirming parental rights in education.

The Republican DeWine signed HB 8 Wednesday, which “maintains that a parent has a fundamental right to make…

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has signed a bill affirming parental rights in education.

The Republican DeWine signed HB 8 Wednesday, which “maintains that a parent has a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of the parent’s child.” 

It requires local school boards to develop policies that “promote parental involvement in the public school system.”

Such policies include:  

  • All sex education must be age appropriate and cannot begin any earlier than 4th grade;  
  • Parents must be given the opportunity to review sex ed curriculum and opt their child out; 
  • School staff are to be prohibited from encouraging students to withhold information from their parents;
  • Parents are to be notified if there is “any substantial change in student’s services” such as counseling or services related to physical or mental health;
  • School boards must make accommodations for released time for religious instruction.

Advocates of the bill celebrated its passage.

“HB8 protects children by safeguarding parents’ rights to make important decisions for their children,” wrote Aaron Baer, president of the Center for Christian Virtue. “Whether it’s a decision about healthcare, a decision about when a child has a discussion about sexuality, or a decision over whether a child can access a religious released time program like LifeWise Academy, HB 8 puts parents back in control.”  

Matt Sharp, senior counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom, agreed. 

“Parents know and love their children best, which is why they are best suited to make decisions about their children’s upbringing, education, and care,” Sharp said in a press release. “Thankfully, HB 8 rightfully recognizes this truth as a fundamental right. 

“Now and always, it’s parents who ought to be in the driver’s seat of directing the upbringing, education, and care of their kids.”