Public Education
Seattle students breathing easier without mask mandate while union still pushes masks

(The Center Square) – Seattle Public Schools’ (SPS) newly appointed Superintendent Brent Jones presented his first state of the district address on March 15 with no mention of the lifted… Read More

March 17, 2022
Government, Public Education
Former Miami-Dade County Public Schools superintendent brings education choice vision to nation’s second-largest school district

(reimaginED) – In a letter to members of the Los Angeles Unified School District community – families, students, educators and staff – newly seated superintendent Alberto Carvalho, who took the… Read More

March 17, 2022
Government, Public Education
Georgia Senate kills school-choice bill

(The Center Square) – The Georgia Senate has killed a bill that would have allowed Georgians to put taxpayer money toward the cost of private school tuition. Read More

March 17, 2022
Ballot initiative would expand Colorado’s open records law to include school curriculum

(The Center Square) – Colorado voters could get a chance to decide if school curriculum should be available to the public under the state’s open records law if a recently-filed… Read More

March 17, 2022
More than 20 states back South Carolina in fetal heartbeat bill appeal

(The Center Square) – Twenty-one states filed a brief in support of South Carolina’s call for a Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals review of the state’s Fetal… Read More

March 17, 2022
Op-Ed: Let every Washington student have school choice like I did

(The Center Square) – When Washington Governor Jay Inslee released a proclamation recognizing National School Choice Week, I was optimistic for the future of K-12 education in… Read More

March 17, 2022
St. Patrick: The Christian legacy behind the legend

As an immigrant to the United States, I had never heard of St. Patrick’s Day until my music teacher told me she was wearing green in his honor. Read More

March 17, 2022
Yes, Even Your Enemies | Morning Routine Daily Devotional for March 17

“Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it, for their evil has come up before me.” But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of… Read More

March 17, 2022
School choice offers hope to Oklahoma students, families

(reimaginED) – Oklahoma parent Kelly Shank says that if her youngest son had anything to say about it, he would not socialize at all. Now in sixth grade, her son… Read More

March 16, 2022
Public Education
South Florida mom shares how school choice scholarship offered haven to bullied daughter

(reimaginED) – On this episode, reimaginED Senior Writer Lisa Buie talks with Cherie Sanders, mother of a thriving eighth-grader at a faith-based school in the Fort Lauderdale area. Sanders’ daughter… Read More

March 16, 2022
Public Education
Rochester parent sues school district for thwarting FOIA requests

(The Center Square) – Rochester Community School District in Michigan has received an “incomplete” grade for its response to a Freedom of Information Act request from a parent seeking curriculum… Read More

March 16, 2022
Public Education
Despite new guidance, Biden admin still requiring toddlers in Head Start to remain masked

End the federal mask mandate for the Head Start program. That’s the message congressional Republicans are sending to the Biden administration. New York Rep. Elise Stefanik… Read More

March 16, 2022
Public Education
Teachers union strike in Minneapolis enters second week as potential ‘make up days’ accumulate

Hundreds of Minneapolis teachers union members are on strike for a second week, demanding better wages, reduced class sizes and mental health support. And teachers are threatening to… Read More

March 16, 2022
I Have Overcome the World | Morning Routine Daily Devotional for March 16

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. – John 16:33 ESV When… Read More

March 16, 2022
Public Education
Education analysts: Schools’ COVID-aid spending could send new hires off a fiscal cliff again

(The Center Square) – As school districts across the country grapple with declining enrollments induced by the pandemic, many are engaged in spending sprees like those of the past, leading… Read More

March 15, 2022
Public Education
Games schools play: Is the government bribing kids to get vaccinated?

Kids will do just about anything for a sticker. But the very qualities that make children eager for a reward are being exploited by the government… Read More

March 15, 2022
Public Education
Georgia Senate approves bill to ban teaching ‘divisive concepts’

(The Center Square) – Georgia teachers would be banned from teaching “divisive concepts” in the classroom under legislation passed by the Georgia Senate. Senators voted, 34-20, in favor of… Read More

March 15, 2022
Public Education
Op-Ed: Teacher union bosses’ monopoly powers are putting South Dakota schools at risk

(The Center Square) – Today, more than 30 states have laws on the books empowering government union bosses to speak for all employees in a unionized school, even those who… Read More

March 15, 2022
Michigan advocates seek constitutional remedy for governor’s veto on education choice bills

(reimaginED) – Two vetoed bills that would empower education-minded families for the first time in Michigan’s history are getting another chance to become law, thanks to a provision in the… Read More

March 15, 2022
Hilkiah Finds the Book of the Law | Morning Routine Daily Devotional for March 15

But to the king of Judah, who sent you to inquire of the Lord, thus shall you say to him, Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Regarding the words that… Read More

March 15, 2022