Personal info of thousands of students and teachers at risk after massive hack of Colorado education department

Names and social security numbers are among the sensitive student data leaked in a data breach reported last week by the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE).  

The hack may have…

Names and social security numbers are among the sensitive student data leaked in a data breach reported last week by the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE).  

The hack may have compromised the data of students who attended public schools as far back as 2004. 

Among those affected are former and current teachers, high-schoolers, and adult-learners in higher educational institutions. 

According to a statement released by the CDHE, the hacker(s) copied sensitive information between June 11 and June 19, including “names and social security numbers or student identification numbers, as well as other education records.” 

The investigation is still ongoing, but individuals in any of these categories may have been affected, the CDHE says: 

  • Attended a public institution of higher education in Colorado 2007-2020; 
  • Attended a Colorado public high school 2004-2020; 
  • Individuals with a Colorado K-12 public school educator license 2010-2014; 
  • Participated in the Dependent Tuition Assistance Program 2009-2013; 
  • Participated in Colorado Department of Education’s Adult Education Initiatives programs between 2013-2017; 
  • Obtained a GED between 2007-2011. 

The CDHE says it’s reviewing policies and procedures and updating cybersecurity safeguards in response to the incident. Those impacted will also be offered complimentary access to credit monitoring and identity theft protection services through Experian for two years, the agency says.