Pro-life polling strong 

Most Americans support restrictions on abortion, according to a new survey.

The poll, conducted by Marist for the Knights of Columbus, found:

67% of Americans support placing some gestational…

Most Americans support restrictions on abortion, according to a new survey.

The poll, conducted by Marist for the Knights of Columbus, found:

  • 67% of Americans support placing some gestational limit on abortion; 
  • 60% want that limit to be within the first three months of pregnancy; and 
  • 83% of Americans support crisis pregnancy centers, which offer support to mothers before and after their pregnancies. 

The survey also found 62% of Americans think healthcare professionals with religious objections to abortion should not have to perform them. Another 82% of respondents believe laws can protect both mothers and unborn children. 

The results reveal an appetite for pro-life protections in the United States, according to Dr. Barbara L. Carvalho, director of the Marist poll. 

“This year’s survey results show that Americans are once again firm in their belief that abortion should be significantly limited yet laws should include exceptions for rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother,” Carvalho said in a Knights of Columbus press release. “This consistent year-over-year trend found in the annual Knights of Columbus-Marist Poll has continued, now nearly three years after the Supreme Court’s landmark Dobbs decision.” 

Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly expressed a similar sentiment. 

“… [A] majority of Americans support legal restrictions on abortion, and an overwhelming majority support pregnancy resource centers, which assist mothers and their children in greatest need,” Kelly said in the release. “Being pro-life means being pro-woman and pro-child, and helping vulnerable women and their babies is in the Knights’ DNA.” 

Through its Aid and Support After Pregnancy Program (ASAP), the Knights of Columbus has raised about $14 million to support crisis pregnancy centers in the United States and Canada. The Knights have also funded the purchase of over 1,900 ultrasound machines, “which empower vulnerable mothers to see their unborn babies,” according to a release.  

The United States lacks a federal gestational limit on abortion and is one of the few countries in the world without such a restriction. 

The poll asked 1,387 adults about their abortion stances between January 7 and 9. The poll had a 3.2-point margin of error.