Seek Me and Live | Morning Routine Daily Devotional for January 22
For thus says the Lord to the house of Israel: “Seek me and live.” — Amos 5:4 ESV
The book of the prophet Amos is…

For thus says the Lord to the house of Israel: “Seek me and live.” — Amos 5:4 ESV
The book of the prophet Amos is directed toward Israel during a time of financial prosperity but religious drought. Israel—now split into the southern kingdom of Judah and the nation of Israel—was plagued by idolatry and corruption. Through Amos, the Lord condemns His chosen people but extends to them a lifeline, the opportunity to repent.
During this time, the people are worshiping the gods of surrounding nations—the Lord is an afterthought. The powerful are neglecting the poor, living extravagantly despite the pain around them. But the Lord boils it down to a simple imperative and offers the result: “Seek me and live.” All they must do is turn from their idols and follow the Lord. The idols don’t work anyway! Why continue to worship them!
“Seek me and live”—so simple yet so true. In many ways, it is a fitting summary of the gospel message. We, like God’s people in Amos’ day, are tempted to seek refuge in so many things, places, and people. Money, things, pleasure, and people—they will fail us. The Lord will not. No matter what you face, seek the Lord first; take refuge in Him. He will not disappoint. Also, think about how you can consistently communicate this simple truth—Seek the Lord and live—to young people in and around your life. It might be your own children, students in your school, or youth in your church. When they face a crisis, remind them to seek the Lord. When they seek acceptance, status, or pleasure where they shouldn’t, remind them to seek the Lord. May we, and the generation we are pouring into, learn to seek the Lord with all that we are, and we will find life in Him.