Vice President Vance to pro-life marchers: ‘I want more babies in the United States of America!’

Protecting the unborn and providing support for young families, especially for those that may have experienced an unexpected pregnancy, is what the 2025 March for Life theme is all…

Protecting the unborn and providing support for young families, especially for those that may have experienced an unexpected pregnancy, is what the 2025 March for Life theme is all about. 

That’s according to Vice President J.D. Vance, who spoke Friday at the national March for Life event in the nation’s capital.

In his first public address as vice president, Vance reflected on the theme of this year’s March – “Life: Why We March.”

The task of the pro-life movement today, the vice president said, is “to protect innocent families and be pro-life in the fullest sense of that word possible.” 

But Vance said one of the shortcomings of our society is that we have yet to “step up” to helping young families get a good start in life, in order to support their young children who can grow into thriving adults. Instead, he said, many young people have been drawn into a “culture of abortion on demand.”

“We failed a generation, not only by permitting a culture of abortion on demand,” he said, “but also by neglecting to help young parents achieve the ingredients they need to live a happy and meaningful life. A culture of radical individualism took root, one where the responsibilities and joys of family life were seen as obstacles to overcome, not as personal fulfillment or personal blessings. Our society has failed to recognize the obligation that one generation has to another is a core part of living in a society to begin with.  

“So, let me say very simply, I want more babies in the United States of America!” the vice president declared, smiling. “I want more happy children in our country, and I want beautiful young men and women who are eager to welcome them into the world and eager to raise them!” 

Vance suggested that government should help “make it easier for young moms and dads to afford to have kids.”

“Now it should be easier, easier to raise a family, easier to find a good job, easier to build a home to raise that family in, easier to save up and purchase a good stroller, a crib for a nursery,” he said. “We need a culture that celebrates life at all stages, one that recognizes and truly believes that the benchmark of national success is not our GDP number or our stock market, but whether people feel that they can raise thriving and healthy families in our country.”

In a video recording presented to the tens of thousands rally attendees, President Donald Trump – who became the first U.S. president to address the March for Life event in person during his first administration – announced he had pardoned on Thursday the 23 pro-life activists who had been convicted under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. 

Also on Thursday, the White House issued a “Statement of Administrative Policy” regarding H.R. 21 – the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, legislation that Trump would sign into law if presented with it. 

“The Administration strongly supports H.R. 21, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, and applauds the House for its efforts to protect the most vulnerable and prevent infanticide,” the statement begins.  

The U.S. House passed the pro-life legislation, 220-210-1, which requires healthcare providers to deliver the “same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence” for a child born alive during a botched abortion as they would to a child born during a normal birth.  

On Wednesday, however, Senate Democrats blocked that chamber’s version of the legislation from advancing.

The statement continues by addressing a common pro-abortion retort to the Born-Alive Act: that such legislation is “unnecessary” because the nation already has laws against infanticide:  

“Current law fails to provide adequate protections, including adequate requirements for the provision of medical care, for vulnerable newborns who survive an abortion attempt. If enacted, H.R. 21 would require any healthcare practitioner who is present at the time that such a child is born to exercise care to preserve the child’s life and health, and to ensure the child is immediately transported and admitted to a hospital. The bill would also require a healthcare practitioner, or hospital employee, to immediately report a violation of these requirements.”

Trump also answered reporters’ questions about the March for Life and his views on the pro-life movement.

Trump told reporters “we are all for” the March for Life and added the prosecution of the pro-life activists under the Biden-Harris administration “was disgraceful” and a “persecution.”