Washington teacher says kids need to be shielded from ‘Christo-fascist’ parents
Social media erupted over the weekend when a Washington state teacher said that too many students are unsafe from what she called their “Christo-fascist’ parents.
Auburn School District teacher…

Social media erupted over the weekend when a Washington state teacher said that too many students are unsafe from what she called their “Christo-fascist’ parents.
Auburn School District teacher Karen Love was responded to criticism that schools over-step their authority by hiding student information from parents when she made inflammatory comments.
The original pro-parent tweet read:
“Parents-check your school districts’ policy regarding keeping info about YOUR child secret from you. There are some scary policies out there. Schools should not have a right to keep info about your child from you unless abuse by you is suspected. There I said it and mean it.”
“I cannot disagree with this more,” Love replied. “So many students are not safe in this nation from their Christo-fascist parents. And our guidelines and laws haven’t caught up with this.”
Love later claimed that 80% of teachers are white women, and 50% of those vote to uphold “white supremacy and patriarchy,” two key tenets of Marxist critical theory, which typically asserts Black people and women are oppressed.
Nicole Solas, a senior fellow at the Independent Women Forum’s Education Freedom Center, responded to the tweets with a freedom of information request to the district regarding Love.
Solas requested any emails involve Love which contain the following keywords: transgender, gender, secret, transition, gender support plan, GSA, trans, sex, sexuality, Christo-fascist, christofascist, Christo-nationalist and extremist.
Parents across the country are rebelling against the trend of schools helping students transition and actively hiding that information from parents.
Last week a school district in California was sued by parents for helping an 11-year-old transition her gender without the parents’ knowledge, as reported by The Lion.
Several states, such as Indiana, have proposed parental rights laws to stop schools from covertly offering medical and mental health gender treatments to students. Other states, like Tennessee, have proposed banning youth medical transitions as well.
“[I]t is chilling to think that a school would lock a parent out of crucial knowledge about his or her own child,” wrote the Dallas Morning News in a recent editorial on the issue.
“The issue of parental communication is just common sense: Parents have the right to know everything the school knows about their child, from grades to health.”