Jillian Schneider

Jillian Schneider is a Staff Writer for The Lion. Her work has also appeared on RealClearEducation, The Federalist, The Heartlander, Acton Institute PowerBlog, and ZuMedia.

Public Education
Proposed rule seeks to protect Missouri children from explicit material without book banning

A top Missouri official has proposed a new rule to protect children and youth from inappropriate materials in state-funded libraries.  Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft’s… Read More

October 20, 2022
Public rejects LGBTQ, sex education in elementary schools, new study shows

Americans are more concerned with the age at which controversial topics are taught, rather than banning them outright.  That’s one of the findings in a new… Read More

October 17, 2022
This city council voted for equal opportunity, fair play in women’s sports, bucking a vocal audience

A suburban Kansas City council voted 7-1 Monday to support legislation banning biological males from competing in women’s sports. Many residents at the Shawnee, Kansas… Read More

October 13, 2022
Christian Schools
Simply divine: Wisconsin Christian school repurposes former strip club, ‘lets the light in’

When Ozaukee Christian School purchased a former strip club for its new home, Head of School Kris Austin knew it was an unorthodox move. “It is a story that only… Read More

August 30, 2022