Jillian Schneider

Jillian Schneider is a Staff Writer for The Lion. Her work has also appeared on RealClearEducation, The Federalist, The Heartlander, Acton Institute PowerBlog, and ZuMedia.

Christian Schools
This week in Christian education (Nov. 28-Dec. 2)

Christian students organize food drive for local food pantry – Students from Community Christian School hosted a food drive and donated 538 boxes of cereal to their local food pantry. Read More

December 2, 2022
Government, Public Education
No going back? Americans’ engagement, trust in public schools is irreparably shaken, report shows

Three years after the advent of COVID-19, public education has lost what may be permanent amounts of both students and trust, a new report says. The… Read More

December 1, 2022
Public Education
Speak of the devil: After School Satan Clubs open in California, Ohio, horrifying parents

When The Satanic Temple announced new after-school elementary programs in California and Ohio, parents and residents voiced their unequivocal dissent. On Monday, Wilmington, Ohio residents… Read More

November 30, 2022
State Policy Network releases guide to help states foster K-12 school choice and entrepreneurship

A report from a network of policy groups details seven ways states can support innovation in education that gives families more and better choices. The report,… Read More

November 21, 2022
Public Education
Colorado votes to raise taxes on some for free universal school lunches

Colorado voters passed Proposition FF on Tuesday, which will raise state taxes on high-income households to make free school lunches available to all students. Although… Read More

November 9, 2022