Biden immigrant flights tied to Obamas, Bush, Carters, Clintons, paused after fraud detected

A program designed to mask the extent of Biden’s open border policy by flying immigrants directly from Central and South American countries has been paused over fraud concerns.

An internal…

A program designed to mask the extent of Biden’s open border policy by flying immigrants directly from Central and South American countries has been paused over fraud concerns.

An internal report by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service obtained by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) finds that 100,948 forms were filled out by just 3,218 serial sponsors, who used the same Social Security numbers and addresses hundreds of times.

In one case, an IP address in Tijuana, Mexico, was used 1,328 times to fill out applications. There is an average of 2.2 applications for each unique IP address, according to FAIR’s summary of the USCIS report.

The report also found “24 of the 1,000 most used numbers belonged to a dead person,” said FAIR.

Suspension of the program was first reported by Fox News after it confirmed the story directly with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Biden-Harris administration policies have led to record numbers of illegal border crossings from 2021 to 2023, according to the Washington Post. The brazen flights have helped hide many of those crossings from the public, as well as from congressional oversight, say critics.

The program – known as “CHNV” for the flights’ originating countries of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela – has allowed an estimated 30,000 immigrants to fly direct to U.S. cities each month.

The House Committee on Homeland Security described immigrants in the program as “inadmissible aliens,” that is, immigrants who would otherwise cross the border illegally.

The program has released each illegal immigrant under a “parole,” exactly as has been done under Biden when immigrants enter the U.S. illegally at the southern border and are detained.

The only alleged safety net in the program was that flight participants needed to have a U.S. sponsor. 

CBS News reports that so far “roughly 520,000” immigrants have entered the U.S. using the program.  

But the USCIS, which is responsible for vetting applications for immigrants, detected possible fraud in the applications for sponsors, says House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Rep. Mark E. Green, Tennessee.  

Green argues the results were what one would expect from an administration that was more concerned with covering up the “bad optics” of open borders than with the effects of bad policy. 

“This admission by the Biden-Harris administration vindicates every warning we have ever issued about the unlawful CHNV mass-parole program. It also exposes the lie by administration officials, like now-impeached DHS Secretary Mayorkas, about the quality and extent of the vetting process – not just for the inadmissible aliens seeking entry, but those attempting to sponsor them,” Green said in a statement.   

The House impeached Mayorkas in February for a willful and systematic failure to comply with federal laws regarding immigration. Two months later Senate Democrats summarily rejected the impeachment articles without trial in a party-line vote, 51-49.    

Critics have blasted the use of internet ads that have sought sponsors under the CHNV program as being vulnerable to abuse.  

One of the top advertisers for the program is which lists its U.S. co-chairs as former Presidents and First Ladies Barack and Michelle Obama; Bill and Hillary Clinton; Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter; and former President George W. Bush.   

Google searches by The Lion found sponsored ads for at the very top of the results under searches for “sponsor migrants,” “help migrants,” “migrants” and “migrate to America.” describes itself as “the website of the Office of American Possibilities, a fiscally sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.”   

The Office of American Possibilities (OAP), chaired by Bush insider John Bridgeland, is a simple one-page website that contains nothing but an email address, a common device of dark-money groups seeking to disguise the people behind the activism.    

Multiple biographies of Bridgeland describe OAP as “a civic moonshot factory that taps the entrepreneurial talent of Americans to solve public challenges together across divides.”  

Bridgeland bios say he supports gun control, defunding the police, and open borders, and that he advocated for stricter controls during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

In April, the House Committee on Homeland Security revealed the locations to which illegal immigrants where being flown by DHS under CHNV after it subpoenaed the department for the information.  

At the time, Green said the “CHNV parole program is an unlawful sleight of hand used to hide the worsening border crisis from the American people.”  

On revelations of widespread fraud that caused the pause in the CHNV program, the House Committee on Homeland Security chair called on the Biden-Harris administration to immediately shutter the program.