Culture, Opinion
Education professor’s ‘black bereavement leave’ for ‘racial trauma’ is nonsensical

A visiting assistant professor at Southern Illinois University gained media traction for writing an essay about “black bereavement leave,” arguing educators should get extra time off to deal with… Read More

March 13, 2023
KC Star in government public relations mode on Kansas education

(The Sentinel) – If there was an award for journalistic malpractice, the Kansas City Star would be a leading contender. The most recent example of the Star’s ‘government good /… Read More

March 10, 2023
Award-winning navel-gazing championed by teachers colleges

The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education gave its top journal article award to researchers arguing that “racism is embedded in the fabric of many teacher education programs.”… Read More

March 6, 2023
Culture, Opinion
Missouri Senate Bill 49 is an essential step to protect Missouri children from ‘sex transition’ treatments

This coming week the Missouri Senate will again see floor debate on Senate Bill 49, legislation designed to protect children from dangerous cross-sex hormones and experimental surgeries. Especially… Read More

March 6, 2023
Government, Opinion
McClatchy, Iorio collude to keep kids uneducated

(The Sentinel) – One-third of public school students in Kansas cannot read or do math at grade level, and the McClatchy newspapers and columnist Sharon Hartin Iorio seem determined to… Read More

March 2, 2023
Government, Opinion
The conservative education revolution that David Brooks is missing

A bottom-up revolution is suddenly changing education and our country forever – this time for the better. It’s too bad that some are missing out on the story. Read More

February 27, 2023
Culture, Opinion
Urban Christian Academy loses most of its support after leaders abruptly push LGBT agenda

When a Christian school in Kansas City announced it would close due to backlash against its sudden LGBT-inclusivity, the media had a field day while failing to even question… Read More

February 21, 2023
Opinion, Public Education
South Dakota database reveals the bad apples among teachers

A database of teacher’s license application denials, suspensions and revocations in South Dakota reveals surprising details parents and school administrators need to know. The database,… Read More

February 21, 2023
Culture, Opinion
J.K. Rowling and the radical, anti-feminist gender ideology

People are angry at a woman for defending a renowned female author’s view on women because her opinions are allegedly harmful to men who want to be women. Read More

February 21, 2023
Opinion, Public Education
Kansas education commissioner claims ‘proficient’ is a made-up term

(The Sentinel) – Kansas education commissioner Randy Watson last week told the State Board of Education that “proficient is a made-up term that the federal government makes us define.” Watson… Read More

February 20, 2023
Culture, Opinion
When did prayer become acceptable to the NFL? When a crisis happened on live television

(Religion Unplugged) – Super Bowls create media storms, but many journalists and sports executives thought what happened in 1988 was totally out of bounds. The establishment was shocked… Read More

February 13, 2023
Government, Opinion
South Carolina must sweat details on school choice to get across the finish line

(reimaginED) – All education committee hearings in South Carolina should open with staff placing flags on a map marking the states that adopted new choices in K-12 education since the… Read More

February 9, 2023
Culture, Opinion
Hellish Grammy show proves Hollywood doesn’t respect religious beliefs

The internet was ablaze Sunday night after a satanic Grammy performance which conservative critics decried as sickening. The performance in question was Sam Smith and… Read More

February 7, 2023
Op-Ed: Sex-ed publisher reaching millions is grooming children as early as kindergarten

An organization offering free K-12 sex education is soaked with LGBT propaganda, including instruction about self-pleasure and letting people touch your body. Since 1980, Advocates for Youth (AFY)… Read More

February 7, 2023
Opinion, Public Education
Kansas state school board member Ann Mah chooses systems over students in school choice debate

(The Sentinel) – When school officials talk about education in general or school choice in particular, their focus is almost exclusively on what is best for the school system; student… Read More

February 6, 2023
Failed federal prosecution of pro-life advocate Mark Houck a frightening tale of persecution worthy of a totalitarian state

I’ve read about countries like this. I never thought I’d live in one. In his book When Faith Is Forbidden: 40 Days on the Frontlines with Persecuted Christians, Todd Nettleton, host… Read More

February 6, 2023
Culture, Opinion
Op-Ed: Drag shows dehumanize women

Warning: Adult content. See, that wasn’t that hard. I never thought I’d have to say this, but drag shows aren’t something we should be celebrating, especially not… Read More

February 2, 2023
Government, Opinion
Op-Ed: Iowa education reforms point to what’s next

(The Center Square) – This week, the Iowa legislature passed the Students First Act, which creates a universal Education Savings Account (ESA) program. The Students First Act will allow Iowa… Read More

Opinion, Public Education
Colorado teachers’ union will say anything to get more money

A new report from Colorado’s teachers’ union blames underfunding for a litany of issues, including school violence and a lack of LGBT-inclusivity. The Colorado Education Association (CEA)… Read More

January 30, 2023
Culture, Opinion
Op-Ed: Liberal religious leaders are shooting themselves in the foot by suing over Missouri’s abortion ban

A small group of liberal religious leaders is suing the state of Missouri over its abortion ban, ironically claiming access to abortion is part of their religion. Although… Read More

January 27, 2023