Intel expert backs up California pastor’s claim that school boards are using communist playbook to weaken parents, prop up state

An education advocacy group warned in a blog posting that today’s school boards are “eerily more similar” to the government in communist Romania in 1985.

“Communist ideology is already in…

An education advocacy group warned in a blog posting that today’s school boards are “eerily more similar” to the government in communist Romania in 1985.

“Communist ideology is already in our own backyard,” said Gheorghe Rosca Jr., founding member and director of outreach at Protect Our Kids, a California-based group that advocates for parental rights in education.

Rosca, who serves as a pastor, emigrated from communist Romania with his family.

He encourages people to demand “common sense policies …[for] school boards that protect parental rights.”

The blog posting was in response to a question he posed at a school board meeting for the Orange Unified School District in Orange, California.

During the meeting Rosca simply asked board members: “Whose children are they?”  

The audience gasped when one board member answered.  

“While parents have expansive rights, and they should, they don’t own their children, and can’t dictate every single aspect of their children’s lives,” said Kris Erickson, who is an attorney in addition to serving on the board.   

The meeting agenda included discussing a new parental notification policy for medical conditions such as attempted suicide and gender dysphoria.  

If adopted, the policy would require parents to be notified by the school in writing within three days of a change in condition noticed by the school, according to local ABC News 7.  

“How is lying to parents, who are the greatest advocates for their children, beneficial?” one woman asked at the board meeting, in response to some who want schools to hide these conditions from parents, according to ABC News. 

It’s not beneficial, said Rosca.  

Instead, the policies are designed to weaken the family and bolster the state, using the same playbook that communist Russia sought to deploy against the United States to weaken America during the Cold War.  

Three key components of that plan, Rosca says, are: 

  1. Get control of the schools and use them as a means of ideological indoctrination;  
  1. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce;  
  1. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. 

An intelligence expert, who fought the Cold War, backed up claims by Rosca that school boards have adopted elements that Russian communists pushed to weaken the West.  

The former Soviet Union and their allies in Eastern Europe knew that indoctrination at an early age was critical in maintaining control of the populace, he said. 

“There is no doubt that traditional American values as well as patriotism have been under assault for decades,” Del W. Wilber, a former intelligence officer who served in Eastern Europe told The Lion. “Much of it is done openly, but as with school boards and educators, much is done more subtly and under the radar and hidden from parents.”  

The items that Rosca detailed are well known by intelligence experts as means by which the KGB wanted to use to weaken the U.S.  

“These goals included encouraging sexual promiscuity, the dissolution of the nuclear family, and basically attacking traditional morality as a means of furthering these efforts,” said Wilber. “Since then we have seen the rise of divorce rates, the ‘Rainbow People’ and their quest for acceptance of anything goes, and rampant pornography and deviancy available on the Internet.   

“Many of our leaders in Washington have enthusiastically given their support to things that back in 1963 would have landed you in jail at the most, or public scorn and rejection at the least.” 

The cracks in the “Iron Curtain” only began to widen as the youth in those countries became more exposed to western influences, which ultimately brought down the Soviet Union and their domination of Eastern Europe, he said.  

“What we are witnessing now in America is the reverse of what took place to bring down Soviet control of millions of people,” added Wilber. 

Instead of embracing more freedom of communication, school boards are using technological and other means to suppress the amount of information getting to parents under the guise of so-called children’s rights, critics like Wilber and Rosca say.