Nearly 7 out of 10 parents now support school choice

National School Choice Week (NSCW) began yesterday, and recent survey findings released by the non-profit revealed that school choice is trending up among… Read More

January 24, 2022
Lawmaker proposes school choice for Pennsylvania students in poor-performing districts

(Victor Skinner | The Center Square) – A Pennsylvania state senator is proposing a new school-choice program for students who live in the commonwealth’s poorest-performing public school districts. Sen. Judy Ward,… Read More

January 24, 2022
Families who chose to homeschool during pandemic are sticking with it

Homeschooling in the United States experienced dramatic growth over the past two years, fueled by parental dissatisfaction with public schools, as has been widely reported. Read More

January 24, 2022
When the Good Hand of God is Upon You | Morning Routine Daily Devotional for January 24

And I said to the king, “If it pleases the king, let letters be given me to the governors of the province Beyond the River, that they may let me… Read More

January 24, 2022
God Loves a Cheerful Giver | Morning Routine Daily Devotional for January 23

The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart,… Read More

January 23, 2022
Seek Me and Live | Morning Routine Daily Devotional for January 22

For thus says the Lord to the house of Israel: â€śSeek me and live.” — Amos 5:4 ESV The book of the prophet Amos is directed toward Israel during a time of financial… Read More

January 22, 2022
Government, Public Education
After backlash, Michigan Democratic Party deletes Facebook post that criticized parents, went against Mich. law

On Saturday the Michigan Democratic Party posted on its official Facebook page, criticizing parents who want a say in the education of their children. After the post went… Read More

January 21, 2022
Christian Schools
Christian school opens $13m innovation center in pursuit of excellence in education

Mt. Paran Christian School (MPCS) recently cut the ribbon on a $13 million project, a 23,000 sq. ft. building expansion in Kennesaw, Georgia, outside of Atlanta. The expansion… Read More

January 21, 2022
Gov. Cooper recognizes School Choice Week in about-face, joins majority of North Carolinians

(Nyamekye Daniel | The Center Square ) – North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper has issued a proclamation recognizing North Carolina School Choice Week next week, according to National School Choice Week… Read More

January 21, 2022
God Can Do a Work in Your Place | Morning Routine Daily Devotional for January 21

And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the… Read More

January 21, 2022
Supreme Court appears sympathetic to free speech, religious liberty case

(Bethany Blankley | The Center Square) – The U.S. Supreme Court this week appeared to be sympathetic to arguments made by a petitioner against the city of Boston over its policy… Read More

January 20, 2022
Christian Schools
New Mexico Christian school fined for mask violation after being told on through state’s Orwellian reporting system

New Mexico’s largest private school, Hope Christian School in Albuquerque, has been fined $5,000 for not enforcing the state’s sweeping mask mandate. Last Thursday, the New Mexico Public… Read More

January 20, 2022
School Choice Week celebrates freedom to choose the best education for your child

If you love your school (or better yet, the freedom to choose the best education for your child), this January provides the perfect time to share that with… Read More

January 20, 2022
Learning pods for underserved students earns South Carolina group national recognition

(Lisa Buie | reimaginED) – As the pandemic gripped the nation in the spring of 2020, American schools shut down and sent students home to finish the semester through online… Read More

January 20, 2022
Chosen and Loved | Morning Routine Daily Devotional for January 20

It was not because you were more in number than any other people that the Lord set his love on you and chose you, for you were the fewest of all peoples,… Read More

January 20, 2022
Public Education
Gov. Youngkin signs executive orders on education, ensures parental rights in first day in office

Glenn Youngkin was sworn in on Saturday as Virginia’s 74th governor. On his first day in office he enacted 11 Executive Orders, and as promised, a significant portion… Read More

January 19, 2022
Public Education
Bill would cut in-person class time by 20% in Washington schools

(Brett Davis | The Center Square) – In 2020, students and parents got a crash course in remote learning as part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now some Washington… Read More

January 19, 2022
Why we can hope for a better K-12 world in 2022

(Jonathan Butcher | remaginED) –  Federal officials are trying to appear analytical. Facing dismal student outcomes and lower enrollment at assigned schools in the wake of—and, in some places,… Read More

January 19, 2022
Op-Ed: When will school closures end? Not until we empower parents

(Justin Owen | The Center Square) – Many kids across the country have begun to return to school after the holiday break. But others have not. Due to the uptick in… Read More

January 19, 2022
Unashamed | Morning Routine Daily Devotional for January 19

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Read More

January 19, 2022