Researchers: Risky play helps today’s kids, the safest in history

Scared your child will get injured from too much rough play? Anthropologists now counter with an even greater danger: denying children the benefits of risk-taking while they’re still young enough… Read More

October 18, 2024
1 in 4 young Americans claim they’re too poor to have children, but many put off kids for other reasons

Despite living in one of the richest nations in the world, many young Americans are worried they can’t afford to have children. The latest Consumer Spending & Saving Index from… Read More

September 24, 2024
Christian Schools
More parents skipping public schools, choosing Christian school from start

The growth is real and it’s starting early. An increasing number of parents are ruling out public school completely and choosing Christian school for their kids from day one. Northland… Read More

September 16, 2024
Happy ending: Israeli child who broke ancient relic invited back to Haifa museum

A 5-year-old Israeli child who broke a 3,500-year-old jar during a visit to the Hecht Museum in Haifa was invited back to the museum for a special visit with his… Read More

September 9, 2024
‘The playdate is dying’: US parenting ‘lonelier’ than in previous generations, data suggests

Contrary to popular conceptions, American parents aren’t spending significantly more time with their children – but they’re feeling more isolated than their predecessors, a report concludes. “Far from American parenting… Read More

August 15, 2024
Finnish mom’s secret to raising independent kids: let them take risks and skip homework!

Annabella Daily has no problem letting her elementary-aged schoolchildren schedule their own playdates, skip homework to play outside, or stay home alone. In fact, she encourages it. “American parents around… Read More

July 18, 2024
More millennial parents question ‘gentle parenting’

An increasing number of millennials are speaking out against “gentle parenting,” saying it sets impossibly high standards for parents while hurting children’s overall preparation for real life. “Gentle parenting is… Read More

July 15, 2024
Study: Teen cannabis use linked to 11x higher psychosis risk

Adolescents who use cannabis are at over 11 times greater risk of developing a psychotic disorder than those who do not use the drug. That’s the main finding of a… Read More

July 8, 2024
Psychologists urge parents to watch out for ‘sadfishing’ practices on social media

Although social media have been accused of overemphasizing idealized lifestyles and looks, psychologists are now cautioning against the opposite extreme: users exaggerating negative emotions to gain sympathy. It’s called “sadfishing,”… Read More

July 8, 2024
10 ways to combat the summer slide in your kids’ education

As summer vacation continues, parents can feel pressure to occupy children with as many activities as possible – the more learning involved, the better! How can families navigate the tension… Read More

July 1, 2024
US surgeon general calls for social media warning labels, echoing conservative book concerns

Health warnings for kids should be affixed to social media platforms, just as was done with tobacco products, says the U.S. Surgeon General. In a new essay published by The… Read More

June 18, 2024
Kirk Cameron is modern-day Mister Rogers in new faith-based children’s show

Famous Christian actor Kirk Cameron is launching a new TV show for kids that offers wholesome content parents can trust. Cameron explained that the purpose of his new children’s program… Read More

June 14, 2024
Outmatched or outsourced? Why parents’ values fail to transmit to their children

(The Daily Signal) – Are left-leaning parents better at passing on their values to their children? The results of one recent study seem to indicate that they are, especially for… Read More

April 26, 2024
7 ways to start homeschool preparations over spring, summer

As the homeschool movement continues to grow after the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents are preparing to withdraw from public schools or teach their preschool- or kindergarten-age… Read More

March 26, 2024
Moms inadvertently expose daughters to predators on Instagram in quest for money and fame, investigation reveals

(Daily Caller News Foundation) – Mothers are inadvertently exposing their young daughters to male predators on Instagram in a quest to garner money and fame, an investigation published by The… Read More

February 26, 2024
‘Risky play’ promotes physical and mental health while teaching kids sound character traits

The idea of “risky play” may cause some parents to faint, but encouraging kids to play without adult supervision can reduce their chances of experiencing anxiety, depression and obesity. It… Read More

January 30, 2024
This family doctor, NYT best-selling author argues left-leaning parents lack ‘structure’ and ‘boundaries’ for their children

Many politically left-leaning parents have difficulty providing consistent discipline and structure for their children, a family physician and psychologist wrote in a popular essay. In fact, the Institute for Family… Read More

January 15, 2024
Parents mixed about AI for K-12 schools in new survey, as experts warn parental involvement is crucial for kids’ wellbeing

A new survey by a parents’ group said that parents see opportunities for artificial intelligence (AI) in K-12 education, but worry they know too little about it. The… Read More

December 27, 2023
‘Encouragement Day’ to support homeschool moms: ‘They’re not on this path alone’

Many modern-day moms may think homeschooling is challenging, but they may not know it was once considered illegal. The featured speaker for the upcoming Midwest Parent Educators (MPE)… Read More

December 26, 2023
Econ book: Single parent households have Americans falling further behind, kids in crisis 

A new book by a University of Maryland economics professor says single-parent households are causing families to fall further behind, while also harming children and society as a whole.    Melissa… Read More

October 4, 2023